The CareCredit credit card can be one of the most useful and helpful credit cards in your wallet, with the Care Credit health wellness and the personal care credit card you can get those procedures you've been wanting, and you're prepared for those unexpected health care expenses that come up.
Where Can I Use My CareCredit Card At
If you already have a care credit card you probably know how helpful it can be, but there are some other ways Care Credit can help that you may not know about.
Every day a list of things you can do with Care Credit is growing longer, select urgent care centers and primary care providers now accept Care Credit, you can also use Care Credit for recurring visits for chiropractic and orthopedic care, and you can use it to purchase orthopedic and other medical equipment.
Care Credit can be used to order both Flex exercise equipment and you can use Care Credit for all sorts of treatments and procedures at SPAS, Rite Aid stores that are part of the Care Credit Network accept Care Credit for prescriptions and for everyday personal care items and other purchases every day we are doing more, so you can do more at more than 200,000 locations nationwide.
Visit for more details, and while you're on our website you can find a health care provider or retail location near you who accepts Care Credit, you can use the payment calculator on our website to help you make decisions about an upcoming procedure and help manage your budget.
Where Can I Use My CareCredit Credit Card
If it makes things easier for you, you can sign up to have your statements sent right to your email inbox. If you've received a bill from a doctor or provider after you've received the care you can pay them online with your Care Credit credit card on our pay my provider website or by using the Care Credit mobile app.
If you're not sure where to use the card our website can help you easily find locations near you that accept Care Credit and remember if you're making a purchase, and don't have your card with you just show your digital care credit card in the app.
We want CareCredit to be one of the most useful credit cards you have, that's why we're always looking for new ways to give you the peace of mind that comes with being prepared for planned or unexpected health care expenses.
Visit our website to learn more about all you can do with the care credit cards, learn more at